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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hiring? Personality Trumps Skills

Not according to a surprising new international survey of 500 professionals conducted by Hyper Island called "Tomorrow’s Most Wanted." The research into what’s impressing employers at the moment found that personality far outweighed technical chops, even for higher-skilled roles.

A whopping 78 percent of those surveyed said "personality" was the most desirable quality in employees, beating out "cultural alignment" (53 percent) and "skill-set" (39 percent) by considerable margins. What particular skills were most valued? Drive (14 percent), creativity (12 percent), and an open mind (11 percent) topped the list.

"Personality, not competence, is the determining factor of who’s going to get the most attractive jobs among tomorrow’s recruits," said Hyper Island CEO Johanna Frelin, summing up the results. "There is a growing desire for talent with a unique combination of skill and flexibility--people who can collaborate, adapt quickly, and are enjoyable company, but also have the drive to get things done. All those traits boil down to a personality that is essential for businesses operating in an ever-changing digital landscape. Thus, specific competence is less important."