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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The need to setup a Library and Literacy Services for FNs Network.

I am requesting the need to setup a Library and Literacy Services for FNs Network.
The network will connect librarians and literacy service providers in FN communities both in urban as well as on FN reserve lands and thus create capacity via building relationships and program flagships. To plan, design and organize professional development activities, such as webinars and workshops for people interested in libraries and literacy services for FNs communities.FNs libraries are the linguistic lungs, memory managers, living books, culture keepers, and avenues for intergenerational dialogue.
The CLA guideline is to gain support from ten members, then a moderator will be chosen who must be a CLA member and he/she can then submit a proposal to Executive Council for approval. If you are interested in setting up this network then please contact me at
The first Summer Reading Club in Hobbema